Thursday, April 21, 2011


Bloggie was dead for a couple of month.

I decided to update this link after whole day of complaining from boring to bored. 3 month back, I was away & stuck up in Perak, Kuala Kangsar, Kem PLKN Tangkas Kendiri. I certainly do miss that place. I wish to be back there with my friends from various state. Everything was amazing. My dorm, my group, Charlie, My friends, & NOT to forget the noisy, cranky, annoying trainers (particularly the women OMG!) . Yet somehow, it felt awesome to be in Nasional Service.

cheer leaders
From the C to the H to the A to the R to the L to the I to the E . CHARLIE !!!!
the day we scream our lungs out to support our group. the day we laugh till our stomach burst. the day we combine our teamwork. the day we fight for victor.the day we knew we did our very best. the day we mention we are CHARLIE.

From the first day I entered the dorm not knowing anyone to the end of NS in 3 month time. I collected 23 awesome-est people from Kelantan, Perak, Pulau Pinang, & even Selangor as my sisters till the end of my journey in NS.

The view back from our Dorm.

Charlie In

Charlie cheer.

Charlie Chinese Gang.

Happy graduation NS day.

My Indians.

The day we met, the day we finish. I still remember the "screaming in toilet" moments, "waking up in the morning with out grumpy face, & "the towel" out from toilet!

100plus. Oh wahhh!!. GREAT. Normal ni. Oh well just join in .
We are friend, we are from MALAYSIA.

You look like rabbit :P

Gg & Ai - where is Apek & Jo
Apek & Jo - where is Gg Ling & Ai Ling.

Back 3 month memories.

Tomorrow is Guan Yy Ling birthday. I am waiting sista, Your are my love. *wink!

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