Monday, October 11, 2010

Accounting Paper

" Don`t ask me what it feels like to fail one paper when I pull my full effort in it "

So previously , with full of confidence betting with Yean Ping about accounting paper. Nver knew it would be that hard okay. Fail.

I used to say to myself, if i do my very best! god will do the rest!
But, why? why not this time which I fully put my effort in it. & The f-ed up economic paper?

Life full of disappointment & regrets.
Don`t say you disagree.

It`s as if I spend my whole entire night doing nothing. Those question is something i had never seen before.

damn sad.

Every time when I feel i couldn't go on , I actually gave up & when to sleep! how nice.

I tried my very best!

Im dumb! I agree.


* Epic Book! Rated 8/10 *
Don`t ask why I read.

" Blah! "

It`s it understand opposite sex :)

demanding for story books!



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